Home Esportes A Índia ainda está presa em Barbados após a vitória na Copa...

A Índia ainda está presa em Barbados após a vitória na Copa do Mundo T20, o ciclone força as estrelas a comer em pratos de papel: Relatório


Rohit Sharma e companhia foram vistos comendo em pratos de papel na fila do aeroporto enquanto aguardavam sua partida após a vitória da Índia na Copa do Mundo T20

The T20 World Cup winning India cricket team is still stuck in Barbados owing to a cyclone which has prevented their take off. As per Rev Sportz, Rohit Sharma and co were seen eating in paper plates in queue at the airport as they awaited their departure. Additionally, the report stated the BCCI was trying all means to get the team out of the country once the cyclone subsided.

BCCI worried over India being stranded after T20 WC win

Hurricane Beryl heading Team India’s way

According to Team India’s schedule, they were supposed to leave for New York on Monday at 11 AM local time (8:30 PM IST). From there, the Men in Blue are supposed to reach home via a connected flight from Dubai to Mumbai. However, this might not be possible, as Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley, in a public address, warned that the airport would close by nighttime on Sunday. 

Editors pick

India still stuck in Barbados after T20 World Cup win, cyclone forces stars to eat in paper plates: Report

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